Branding ServicesKristy Gusick2024-06-11T03:33:22-05:00

Branding for Accounting, CPA & Financial Firms

Need help positioning your brand so that it delivers results? Want to strengthen your brand starting with design or messaging? Need a refresh to represent your firm? Whatever you need, our team of marketing experts can help!

Your brand is how people perceive your accounting firm or financial services firm. Think of it as the reputation of your business. The stronger your brand, the more referable you are. Your brand is much more than your website or logo, your brand encompasses everything from the way you answer your phone to the color of your office walls.

Your brand should clearly represent your firm—its values, culture, services, and people. As you might imagine, branding is easier said than done!

A brilliant firm message is the basic core differentiator of your brand. It helps to build awareness and convey meaning. Every interaction your team has with a client, prospect, or referral source is an opportunity to solidify your firm’s brand. Because of this, it’s especially crucial to ensure your message is strong and differentiated. It’s also imperative that your team is on the same page regarding your firm’s unique message.

At Align Marketing Group, we can help you with establishing a new brand or strengthening the one you’ve had for decades. Our branding process begins by taking an objective look at your firm. Depending on your goals, we interview employees and clients, assess your existing brand (if applicable), design or refresh your visual identity, and develop messages and brand standards that resonate with you and your audiences (and pass muster with your compliance officers if required).

Looking for exceptional design help for your website, logo development, or marketing materials? A solid brand image can build your firm’s reputation, make you stand out from your competition, and project your values to attract your ideal client. To help you create or refresh your firm’s brand image, we look at your firm’s current graphic personality and work with you to create a new, fresh brand identity that provides a visual reflection of the value your firm provides its clients. This branding initiative includes the development of a new or refreshed logo and color palette.

Giving clients a tangible takeaway can be more impactful than asking them to view a screen. For this reason, keeping your firm’s print materials looking sharp and on-brand is a must. This is where Align can help.

With a team that includes talented graphic designers, we can design and print marketing materials—such as stationery, sell sheets, and other marketing collateral—for your CPA or financial services firm. We design from the ground up to give your firm a look and feel that aligns with your brand. You won’t find templates here.

Whether you’re looking for a brilliantly designed website, a creatively formatted mailer or a professionally designed one-pager, we can help you make a lasting impact.

Ready to Find Out What Impactful Branding Could Do For Your Firm?

Let us conduct a free brand audit of your firm.

What Goes into a Brand?

A strong brand message: Your messaging defines and communicates your firm’s differentiating value. If your firm’s message is not consistent and ‘sticks’, then your brand image won’t brand image won’t matter.

A fresh brand image: Your brand image is the visual components of your brand that conveys your firm’s personality through visual translation, including logos.

A fabulous client experience: Your brand client experience should ensure consistent, positive interactions with clients and peers. This includes the visual experience as well. The client experience cannot be conveyed accurately until the work has been put in for your brand messaging and image.

A brand message is a short paragraph that explains who you are, what you do, who you help and what unique value your firm brings to the table. Begin by asking yourself:

  • Do you know what your firm message is?
  • Does everyone at your firm know and say the same message?
  • Do your marketing materials and online presence reflect that message?

Your brand message should be consistent and reflect how you want your brand to be perceived. Your brand message should also include:

  • Elevator Speech: A 10-second statement that clearly defines who you work with and how you help them.
  • Tagline: A quick, catchy phrase that piques interest and conveys value.

Brand messaging keys to success:

  • Train everyone at your firm on consistent messaging
  • Practice your elevator speech
  • Utilize your tagline wherever appropriate in your branding
  • Ensure repeated exposure to brand messaging such as:
    • Adding your logo to your brand messaging when possible
    • Ensuring your website clearly articulates your brand messaging
    • Including your brand message on social media whenever possible
    • Including your brand message on your stationary suite if applicable
    • Consistently use your brand messaging throughout your marketing materials

Your brand image is the visual portrayal of your brand. In order to develop a unique brand image, begin by asking yourself:

  • How long ago was your current brand image or logo created?
  • Is it relevant and updated?
  • Is it consistent with your firm’s current name?
  • Is it easy to read and understand?
  • Is everyone at the firm using the same logo and same color for your current logo?
  • Do you have a ‘brand guidelines’’ document that is adhered to?
  • Evaluate your existing brand
  • Research the competition
  • Determine what emotions you want your brand to convey
  • Design logo based on strategic needs
  • Request logo file suite and brand guidelines document
  • Update ALL branded materials—both printed and digital
  • Delegate an employee (or yourself) to track and follow all brand guidelines

When creating your firm’s brand experience, it is imperative to first understand the importance of your client’s experience. The client experience encompasses everything a client encounters before, during, and after engaging with your firm. Your client’s experience will make or break your brand.

Consider your client’s full experience:

  • How is the phone answered?
  • How quickly are messages returned?
  • How do you respond to inquiries and questions?
  • How easy is it to find your office?
  • How is parking?
  • What do people experience when they come to your office?
    • Smell?
    • See?
    • Taste?
    • Touch?
    • Hear?
  • How easily accessible is your online presence?
  • How easy is it to find your contact info?
  • Is your site easy to navigate?

How to Improve the Client Experience: 

  • Create “Ideal Client Experience Standards”
  • Train staff to understand and demonstrate these standards
  • Have someone secret shop your firm
  • Send out surveys at least once a year

Let Us Help You Solidify Your Brand

Branding your brand is crucial for your financial advisory firm or accounting firm’s success. Having a solid brand builds your reputation and allows for healthy differentiation between businesses. Without a strong brand, your financial advisory or accounting firm may not leave a lasting impression.

Let us help you build your brand, bring in new clients and leave a mark on the world.

Our expert team creates branding and messaging for your firm that includes:

  • Creation of your key differentiators
  • Development of a unique brand message
  • Creation of a fresh, relevant brand image
  • Ensuring a consistent client experience
  • Personal messaging for networking, referrals, and introductions


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Ready to find out what impactful branding could do for your firm?
Let us conduct a free brand audit of your firm.

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