Determining the return on investment of marketing initiatives is a constant challenge. Not every marketing initiative will directly result in a new client. However, each initiative should have a measurable result such as media impressions, click rates, increased referrals, or social media metrics. We have several ways of reviewing and measuring success, although we’ve found it may take a while to see real, measurable results from a solid marketing plan that is consistently providing long-term, sustainable results (i.e. 12-18 months).  However, we take baseline measurements right out of the gate to help us all track results. Here are some examples of the most commonly-tracked items that we review with our clients on a quarterly basis:

  • SEO reports and analytics
  • Social media analytics
  • Blogs created
  • Web content written
  • Marketing training and/or individual BD coaching meetings conducted
  • Digital communications produced and sent (opened, bounced, clicked and opted out)
  • Leads/prospects generated (and tracking where they came from)
  • New clients obtained
  • Website updates completed
  • Networking/COI meetings attended
  • Marketing pieces developed
  • Client, prospect and COI feedback (verbal, written, digital)
  • Compliance communication efficiency