Online Reviews: A Key Strategy for Financial Advisors

In today's digital age, online reviews wield immense influence over consumer decisions across every industry, including financial advisory services. Yet, many advisors adopt a passive "wait and see" stance toward leveraging online reviews as part of their marketing strategy. This approach, however, carries significant risks that could impact an [...]

By Whit Lanier|2024-05-21T08:33:03-05:00May 20, 2024|

The Marketing Power of Financial Advisor Reviews & Testimonials

Imagine scrolling through your app store, debating between two nearly identical apps. Suddenly, one catches your eye with amazing reviews and heartfelt testimonials. Which one are you more likely to trust? Online reviews wield unprecedented power in today’s cyber-dependent world, shaping consumer decisions and influencing brand perceptions. Whether it's choosing [...]

By Kristy Gusick|2024-07-15T07:10:09-05:00May 14, 2024|
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