Transforming AscensionPoint Recovery Services Website

Website Redesign

The Problem

AscensionPoint Recovery Services (APRS) needed a complete overhaul of their website to improve its appearance and messaging. The existing site lacked ADA compliance and needed an inviting and calming feel for their sensitive services.

Before and After


The Solution

APRS partnered with our team to redesign their website using soothing colors and intuitive navigation for a welcoming and calm user experience. Clear and concise content was developed to explain APRS’s services, especially their assistance for estate executors. We added educational resources, such as articles and FAQs. ADA compliance was ensured with accessibility features like alt text, keyboard navigation, and text-to-speech functionality.

“Need help positioning your brand so that it delivers results? Want to strengthen your brand starting with design or messaging? Need a refresh to represent your firm? Whatever you need, our team of marketing experts can help!”

The Results

The revamped APRS website achieved significant improvements, including a more inviting design that enhances the user experience. Clearer messaging effectively communicates APRS’s services, and the addition of educational resources benefits estate executors by providing relevant information. APRS’s online presence is now better aligned with their mission and values, supporting their efforts to assist estate executors with compassion and expertise.

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