In the financial advisory and accounting sectors, a strong brand is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Your brand sets the tone for how clients perceive your expertise, trustworthiness, and value. Two key elements—your brand message and brand image—are at the core of every effective brand. 

The brand message defines what you stand for, while the brand image is how the world sees you. Understanding the difference – and knowing which one to establish first – is critical to creating a brand that attracts and retains clients. Let’s break it down and find out how to create a brand message and brand image that leaves a lasting impact. 

Defining Brand Message and Brand Image 

What is the difference between brand message and brand image? Let’s break it down.  

  • Brand Message is the essence of your firm’s identity. It articulates your mission, values, and the unique benefits you offer your clients. It’s the promise you make to your clients – whether that’s to provide expert financial advice, personalized service, or trustworthy guidance. Think of it as the “what” and “why” behind everything you say and do. 
  • Brand Image is what people think and feel about your firm after interacting with you. It’s shaped by everything from your logo and website to your client service and social media presence.  Brand image is the impression you leave behind – ideally, it matches the message you’re putting out there! 

The Relationship Between The Two

Think of your brand message and brand image like two sides of the same coin – they’re different, but they need to work together to create the full picture of your brand. The message you craft should directly influence how people perceive your brand, creating a consistent and cohesive image in their minds.  

For example, if your brand message emphasizes that you’re a client-focused, trustworthy firm, your brand image should reflect that in every way. This means that your website should be user-friendly, and your communications should be transparent and supportive. If there’s a mismatch – say, your brand message claims you’re innovative, but your website looks like it’s from the early 2000s– your credibility can be severely compromised. 

To avoid this, ensure that every aspect of your brand image consistently reflects your message. When they match up, you build trust and credibility.  

Which Comes First: Brand Message or Brand Image? 

So, the big question is: Which one comes first? It might seem like a chicken-and-egg situation, but your brand message should take the lead. Why? Because it gives you clarity and consistency from the start. Your brand message should be deeply rooted in your firm’s long-term goals. By establishing this first, you can make strategic decisions about how to shape your brand image to support your overall business objectives. When you’re clear on what you want to say about who you are – your mission, values, and what makes you different – it’s easier to create an image that reflects that.  

However, there are scenarios where brand image can set the stage initially, particularly in rapidly evolving markets or for new firms needing quick visibility. While brand image might attract initial attention, the brand message drives long-term client loyalty. Ultimately, your message must lead to create a cohesive and impactful brand, informing every aspect of your image and client interaction. 

Six Steps to Align Your Message and Image 

So, how do you ensure that your brand message and image align? Here are some practical steps: 

  1. Define Your Brand Message Strategy: Identify your core values, mission, and unique value proposition. What do you want clients to think of when they hear your firm’s name? What makes us different from other firms? 
  2. Audit Your Current Brand Image: Review all your brand assets – website, social media, marketing materials, and client communications. Does your current image reflect your brand message? Pay close attention to client feedback and perceptions to identify discrepancies between your intended message and your image. 
  3. Identify Gaps and Inconsistencies: List areas where your brand image doesn’t align with your brand message. Are there outdated visuals? Inconsistent messaging across different platforms? Note these down for action. 
  4. Make Necessary Adjustments: Once you’ve identified gaps between your message and image, take steps to address them. This might involve redesigning your website, updating marketing materials, or refining your client service approach.  
  5. Consistency is Key: Ensure that every touchpoint with your clients – from emails to in-person meetings – consistently reinforces your brand message. Over time, this will strengthen your brand image. 
  6. Monitor and Adapt: Branding isn’t a one-time project. Regularly review and refine your brand message and image to ensure they align as your firm evolves. 


If you want your brand to stand out, start with a strong message. Remember, your brand message tells your story, and your brand image is how that story is perceived. When these two elements are aligned, you create a powerful brand that attracts clients and builds lasting relationships. 

 How Align Marketing Group Can Help

Need a hand getting there? Align Marketing Group understands the unique challenges financial advisors and accounting firms face. Our expertise can help you define your brand message, align your brand image, and create a powerful brand that resonates with your clients. Reach out today to discover how we can support your branding journey.